Old Man and the See

Old Man and the See

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pretty Little Secrets Dirty Little Lies

Well all things come from something else. We all steal from the best or the worst, but not all of us kiss and tell. Ever so scandalous the telling part. Truth then enters the world where before it was simply just, just, well just simply. I can't have an answer for everything. This begins a new year already wrought with death, life, marriage, and pink-eye. I know, who ever actually knew someone with that. Easier to give in than put-out or is it?

Ich Bin the last person to Blog or to myface or to teabag. That last one was a lie. Some lines I ravaged from songs and now I employ them to augment the delightful chemistry that is Polaroid. This is for all of the soldiers of a life gone long ago out from underneath our blanket of film and turned into binary 1's and 0's. Who really knows what those 101010111100001001001 means. If you do then hit the back button with a 12-guage and never return.

As for Pontius de La Polaroid? Pontius is the God King of all beings. He now takes on new form. He will be fully honored in the entries to come. "de La" well that is just the linguist in me, and POLAROID well I am sure needs no introduction.

Enjoy these things.