Traveling around with a picture making/taking device sometimes turns a person into a sort of civilian gumshoe on the trail of clues and evidences for purpose of solving criminal activities that may or may not be a foot. Becoming a happenstance private dick can become quite bothersome and time consuming if you aren't careful. All of the sudden an entire day has been lost to such endeavors without one single kudo or heaven forbid kudos.
One of the most heinous of crimes in this wanderer's book can be seen below:
Most upsetting.
Upon seeing this I just new in my heart I must spring into action or stop at the bar and have a beer. So after having a beer I immediately had another. Then I was ready to begin to start an attempt to find poor poor pussy and bring its captors to the local magistrate. Well considering I lost my only means of communication at the local pub (by lost I should say confiscated in lieu of payment for libations) I had to find some other teleconferencing device such as a PAY PHONE. Where does one find such an antiquated machine? Possibly a museum could have one on display for a price but I had only enough pocket change to make a call not to gain entrance to the Look Don't Touch.
Now a gumshoe for a cat turns into a double gumshoe for a phone then cat. What next shall I be in search for? Well I turned to the only resource I had which was the people of the streets. So I began asking and asking about the old time device and got many responses and most none of them pleasant. But with my try try again attitude and a southerners charm I finally came upon a man who believed he had seen one a few blocks away either for real or for real in a dream. What had I to lose? I got my steps in and pounded that pavement and in the distance I could see it my very own steely monolith. I had arrived...
To this:
Most upsetting.
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