Old Man and the See

Old Man and the See

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vogue Shoot September 21st, 1968

Pontius was particularly bitchy that morning during the shoot.
Lots of tantrums
That was during his gin drinking days with all the models
Milan, Paris, Monte Carlo, Scranton you know all the big name fashion towns of the day
Chances were back then if you picked up Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Better Homes and Gardens Pontius was likely to be gracing the pages.
Of course that was during his gin drinking days
with all the models

1 comment:

  1. you are hilarious, and i remember Pontius's gin drinking days--those were the days. some times i was there...but mostly i saw him stumbling in after a redeye flight and bottles of champagne flowing.... he was kool 'n hip even when hung over
