In some parts of the world they keep their manimals in large prisons called zoo's. I recently toured an incarceration facility to truly understand why we can not let these criminals tread, fly, swim our city's streets any longer.
I do warn you these images are shocking and delightful. All at the same time.
Like these domestic wing-ed squaka too birds sent to their cell for failure to obtain a permit to operate their mobile meth lab within 100 feet of the high school. They showed no remorse.
Or these vile tusked slug sloths who never properly signal while changing lanes. For some crimes one wonders why society bothers with jail at all. A tusk for a tusk I say.
This rowdy and riled ornithol clearly is ready to commit the same act in which it was locked up. Hoover as they call her in the joint seems to be practicing her fellatio skills on camera in defiance of all we hold decent and moral.
And call me Ishmael but this sea pony obviously has poor flossing technique and should never be able to see the light of day again.
The lesson learned from my visit was as old as Lady Liberty herself: Be cool don't be a homo.