Old Man and the See

Old Man and the See

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

When You Least Expect It

Family is an idea that means many things to many people. Blood or birth does and does not a family make. They say you can't choose your family and whoever they are sure are smart. People who become yours can be found in the most unlikely of places. I have found mine in Pennsylvania. New York, Ohio, El Paso, Europe, and many other places. Its a connection and one that cannot easily be undone. When you refer to someone as your brother (or sister, mother, father) that has meaning, and should not be taken lightly. With this comes great responsibility to which it is almost impossible to live up to, but with family there comes an understanding and a belief in forgiveness. Family should be forgiven and they in turn should forgive. For the ones we love we give till it hurts and then we give some more. I am in awe of my family and believe that it will never be undone. Through the crazy and the sane and through the wind and the rain we are family.

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