Old Man and the See

Old Man and the See

Friday, January 29, 2010

Like an Old Friend

Each and every single Polaroid is like an old friend. Anytime you get a little lonely all you have to do is open up a box and there they are. Its as if we never said good bye. With true friends though its never good bye its simply I'll see you later. No digital photo can ever do the same as the Polaroid. Whatever dark wizard invented such black magic known as Polaroid should be heralded from the Misty Mountains and have many songs written about him in the proper Elvish tongue. Never forget where you came from because just when you do it might be impossible to get back.


  1. quite a group of sexy bitches right there. and the sexyest is behind the camera.

  2. you could never be the actor because your the fucking director.
    As ever.Af
